本帖最后由 小何 于 2025-3-14 20:30 编辑
根据博流的demo_ota 项目为例,复制博流的原厂 SDK 的customer_app/system/ota/demo_ota 到WB2 模组 SDK 的application 目录下,
- demo_ota/proj_config.mk 中新增:CONFIG_LINK_ROM=1
#compiler flag config domain
#board config domain
#firmware config domain
#set CONFIG_ENABLE_ACP to 1 to enable ACP, set to 0 or comment this line to disable
ifeq ($(CONFIG_BT_MESH),1) #+
#blog enable components format :=blog_testc cli vfs helper
LOG_ENABLED_COMPONENTS:=blog_testc hosal loopset looprt bloop blestack LivingRoomCock http_client_tcp
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]其实在文件里已有genromap [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]CONFIG_LINK_ROM=1,不需要demo_ota/proj_config.mk都要以,增加方法直接make
make flash-build
exit $?
demo_ota.bin及生成 OTA 固件make或./genromap就行成demo_ota.bin及生成 OTA 固件。
查看项目下的Make File
# This is a project Makefile. It is assumed the directory this Makefile resides in is a
# project subdirectory.
PROJECT_NAME := LivingRoomCock
PROJECT_PATH := $(abspath .)
-include ./proj_config.mk
ifeq ($(origin BL60X_SDK_PATH), undefined)
BL60X_SDK_PATH_GUESS ?= $(shell pwd)
BL60X_SDK_PATH ?= $(BL60X_SDK_PATH_GUESS)/../../../..
$(info ****** Please SET BL60X_SDK_PATH ******)
$(info ****** Trying SDK PATH [$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)])
COMPONENTS_NETWORK := sntp dns_server
COMPONENTS_BLSYS := bltime blfdt blmtd blota bloop loopadc looprt loopset
COMPONENTS_VFS := romfs cjson
INCLUDE_COMPONENTS += freertos_riscv_ram bl602 bl602_std newlibc wifi wifi_manager wpa_supplicant bl602_os_adapter wifi_hosal hosal mbedtls_lts lwip lwip_dhcpd vfs yloop utils cli aws-iot httpc httpd dns_server netutils blog blog_testc
INCLUDE_COMPONENTS += easyflash4 coredump lwip_altcp_tls_mbedtls blcrypto_suite bl_os_adapter rfparam_adapter_tmp spiffs
include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/project.mk
# Main Project Makefile
# This Makefile is included directly from the user project Makefile in order to call the bouffalo.mk
# makefiles of all components (in a separate make process) to build all the libraries, then links them
# together into the final file. If so, PWD is the project dir (we assume).
# This makefile requires the environment variable BL60X_SDK_PATH to be set to the top-level bl60x_sdk directory
# where this file is located.
.PHONY: all build clean all_binaries list-components
all: all_binaries
FLASH_TOOL_TYPE:= ./bflb_iot_tool-ubuntu
# see below for recipe of 'all' target
# # other components will add dependencies to 'all_binaries'. The
# reason all_binaries is used instead of 'all' is so that the flash
# target can build everything without triggering the per-component "to
# flash..." output targets.)
@echo "Welcome to Ai-WB2 SDK build system. make targets:"
@echo ""
@echo "\033[33m\"make all\"\033[0m - Build app, components"
@echo "\033[33m\"make clean\"\033[0m - Remove all app components output"
@echo "\033[33m\"make flash\"\033[0m - Build and download firmware "
@echo "\033[33m\"make flash-only\"\033[0m - Only download firmware"
@echo "\033[33m\"make eflash\"\033[0m - Use the flash after erasing it"
@echo "\033[33m\"make erase_flash\"\033[0m - Erase all internal contents of flash"
@echo "\033[33m\"make list-components\"\033[0m - List all components in the project"
@echo "\033[33m\"make [component name]\"\033[0m - build a component as a library"
# Non-interactive targets. Mostly, those for which you do not need to build a binary
# NON_INTERACTIVE_TARGET += defconfig clean% %clean help list-components print_flash_cmd
# dependency checks
ifeq ("$(filter 4.% 3.81 3.82,$(MAKE_VERSION))","")
$(warning bl60x_sdk build system only supports GNU Make versions 3.81 or newer. You may see unexpected results with other Makes.)
# can't run 'clean' along with any non-clean targets
ifneq ("$(filter clean% %clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" ,"")
ifneq ("$(filter-out clean% %clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))", "")
$(error bl60x_sdk build system doesn't support running 'clean' targets along with any others. Run 'make clean' and then run other targets separately.)
OS ?=
# make BL60X_SDK_PATH a "real" absolute path
# * works around the case where a shell character is embedded in the environment variable value.
# * changes Windows-style C:/blah/ paths to MSYS style /c/blah
ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT")
# On Windows MSYS2, make wildcard function returns empty string for paths of form /xyz
# where /xyz is a directory inside the MSYS root - so we don't use it.
SANITISED_BL60X_SDK_PATH:=$(realpath $(wildcard $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)))
ifndef BL60X_SDK_PATH
$(error BL60X_SDK_PATH variable is not set to a valid directory.)
$(error If BL60X_SDK_PATH is overriden on command line, it must be an absolute path with no embedded shell special characters)
ifneq ("$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)","$(subst :,,$(BL60X_SDK_PATH))")
$(error BL60X_SDK_PATH cannot contain colons. If overriding BL60X_SDK_PATH on Windows, use MSYS Unix-style /c/dir instead of C:/dir)
# disable built-in make rules, makes debugging saner
# Default path to the project: we assume the Makefile including this file
# is in the project directory
PROJECT_PATH := $(abspath $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
# A list of the "common" makefiles, to use as a target dependency
COMMON_MAKEFILES := $(abspath $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/project.mk $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/common.mk $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/component_wrapper.mk $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# The directory where we put all objects/libraries/binaries. The project Makefile can
# configure this if needed.
# Component directories. These directories are searched for components (either the directory is a component,
# or the directory contains subdirectories which are components.)
# The project Makefile can override these component dirs, or add extras via EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS
# The project Makefile can define a list of components, but if it does not do this we just take all available components
# in the component dirs. A component is COMPONENT_DIRS directory, or immediate subdirectory,
# which contains a bouffalo.mk file.
# Use the "make list-components" target to debug this step.
# Find all component names. The component names are the same as the
# directories they're in, so /bla/components/mycomponent/bouffalo.mk -> mycomponent.
# using by https://stackoverflow.com/questi ... ry-tree-for-c-files
ifeq ("$(wildcard ${BL60X_SDK_PATH}/components.mk)","")
rwildcard = $(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2))
COMPONENTS_RAL_PATH := $(dir $(foreach cd,$(COMPONENT_DIRS), \
$(call rwildcard,$(cd)/,bouffalo.mk) \
COMPONENTS := $(sort $(foreach comp,$(COMPONENTS_RAL_PATH),$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(comp)))))
include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/components.mk
$(info use existing components.mk file)
# After a full manifest of component names is determined, subtract the ones explicitly omitted by the project Makefile.
# match exclude comps with EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS variable
define include_comps_add
include_path += $(filter %/$(1), $(COMPONENTS_REAL_PATH))
$(foreach comp,$(INCLUDE_COMPONENTS),$(eval $(call include_comps_add,$(comp))))
# include components
# Resolve all of COMPONENTS into absolute paths in COMPONENT_PATHS.
# If a component name exists in multiple COMPONENT_DIRS, we take the first match.
# NOTE: These paths must be generated WITHOUT a trailing / so we
# can use $(notdir x) to get the component name.
# TODO remove multiple name in components
#COMPONENT_PATHS := $(foreach comp,$(COMPONENTS),$(firstword $(foreach cd,$(COMPONENT_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir $(cd))$(comp) $(cd)/$(comp)))))
# Initialise project-wide variables which can be added to by
# each component.
# These variables are built up via the component_project_vars.mk
# generated makefiles (one per component).
# See docs/build-system.rst for more details.
# COMPONENT_PROJECT_VARS is the list of component_project_vars.mk generated makefiles
# for each component.
# COMPONENT_LDFLAGS variables and also targets for any inter-component
# dependencies.
# See the component_project_vars.mk target in component_wrapper.mk
COMPONENT_PROJECT_VARS := $(addsuffix /component_project_vars.mk,$(notdir $(COMPONENT_PATHS) ))
# this line is -include instead of include to prevent a spurious error message on make 3.81
# Also add top-level project include path, for top-level includes
# COMPONENT_INCLUDES += $(abspath $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/)
# Set variables common to both project & component
include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/common.mk
include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/toolchain.mk
ifeq ("$(OS)","Windows_NT")
ifeq ("$(CONFIG_CHIP_NAME)", "BL602")
@echo "Building Finish. To flash build output. run 'make flash' or:"
@echo "c $(OS) ..."
@echo "cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=921600 --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --pt=$(PROJECT_PATH)/img_conf/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(PROJECT_PATH)/img_conf/bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M.dts --firmware=$(APP_BIN)"
bins: all
@cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/image_conf; python3 flash_build.py $(PROJECT_NAME) $(CONFIG_CHIP_NAME)
info: all
@cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/image_conf; env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_APP_MAP=$(APP_MAP) python3 codesize.py
# If we have `version.mk` then prefer that for extracting BL60x_SP_SDK version
ifeq ("$(wildcard ${BL60X_SDK_PATH}/version.mk)","")
BL_SDK_VER := $(shell cd ${BL60X_SDK_PATH} && git describe --always --tags --dirty)
$(info use git describe to generate Version Define)
include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/version.mk
ifeq ("$(CONFIG_CHIP_NAME)", "BL602")
$(info Your configuration chipname is Ai-Thinker Ai-WB2 Wi-Fi&BLE Module)
# Set default LDFLAGS
# -nostdlib
# --specs=nosys.specs
EXTRA_LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,--cref -nostartfiles
-march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 \
-g3 -nostartfiles -Wl,--noinhibit-exec,--gc-sections,--relax -Wl,--cref \
-Wl,--start-group \
-Wl,--end-group \
E21_CPU_LDFLAGS := -march=rv32imfc \
-Wl,--gc-sections \
-Wl,-static \
-Wl,--start-group \
-Wl,--end-group \
-Wl,-EL \
# These are exported so that components can use them when compiling.
# If you need your component to add CFLAGS/etc for it's own source compilation only, set CFLAGS += in your component's Makefile.
# If you need your component to add CFLAGS/etc globally for all source
# files, set CFLAGS += in your component's Makefile.projbuild
# If you need to set CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/CXXFLAGS at project level, set them in application Makefile
# before including project.mk. Default flags will be added before the ones provided in application Makefile.
# CPPFLAGS used by C preprocessor
# If any flags are defined in application Makefile, add them at the end.
# Enable GNU extensions
# Warnings-related flags relevant both for C and C++
COMMON_WARNING_FLAGS = -Wall -Werror=all \
-Wno-error=unused-function \
-Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable \
-Wno-error=unused-variable \
-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations \
-Wextra \
-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare
COMMON_WARNING_FLAGS += -Wwrite-strings
# Flags which control code generation and dependency generation, both for C and C++
# -nostdlib
# -fno-common
# -funwind-tables
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \
-fstrict-volatile-bitfields \
-fcommon \
# Add -fshort-enums temporarily for bl702
ifeq ("$(CONFIG_CHIP_NAME)", "BL702")
COMMON_FLAGS += -fshort-enums
-ffreestanding \
COMMON_FLAGS += -fstack-protector
COMMON_FLAGS += -fstack-protector-strong
COMMON_FLAGS += -fstack-protector-all
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENABLE_FP),1)
COMMON_FLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DCONF_ENABLE_FRAME_PTR
# Enable generation of debugging symbols
# (we generate even in Release mode, as this has no impact on final binary size.)
DEBUG_FLAGS ?= -gdwarf
# List of flags to pass to C compiler
# If any flags are defined in application Makefile, add them at the end.
E21_CPU_CFLAGS := -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32
CFLAGS := $(strip \
-march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 \
-O2 -Wall -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wignored-qualifiers -Wswitch-default -Wunused -Wundef -Werror -Wno-switch-default -Wno-unused -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -g3 \
-fmessage-length=0 -std=gnu99 \
-save-temps=obj \
CXXFLAGS := $(strip \
-march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 \
-O2 -Wall -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wignored-qualifiers -Wswitch-default -Wunused -Wundef -Werror -Wno-switch-default -Wno-unused -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -g3 \
-fmessage-length=0 -std=gnu99 \
-save-temps=obj \
E21_CPU_CFLAGS := -march=rv32imfc \
CFLAGS := $(strip \
-std=gnu99 \
$(COMMON_WARNING_FLAGS) -Wno-old-style-declaration \
CXXFLAGS := $(strip \
-std=c++11 \
-nostdlib \
-g3 \
-fms-extensions \
-ffunction-sections \
-fdata-sections \
-Wall \
-Wchar-subscripts \
-Wformat \
-Winit-self \
-Wignored-qualifiers \
-Wswitch-default \
-Wunused \
-Wundef \
-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \
-save-temps=obj \
# Set default values that were not previously defined
CC ?= gcc
LD ?= ld
AR ?= ar
OBJCOPY ?= objcopy
SIZE ?= size
STRIP ?= strip
# Set host compiler and binutils
$(error Please Configure CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX at toolchain.mk)
# Set target compiler. Defaults to whatever the user has
# configured as prefix + ye olde gcc commands
CC := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))gcc
CXX := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))g++
LD := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))ld
AR := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))ar
OBJCOPY := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))objcopy
SIZE := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))size
STRIP := $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_TOOLPREFIX))strip
PYTHON=$(call dequote,$(CONFIG_PYTHON))
# the app is the main executable built by the project
# Include any Makefile.projbuild file letting components add
# configuration at the project level
define includeProjBuildMakefile
$(if $(V),$$(info including $(1)/Makefile.projbuild...))
include $(1)/Makefile.projbuild
$(foreach componentpath,$(COMPONENT_PATHS), \
$(if $(wildcard $(componentpath)/Makefile.projbuild), \
$(eval $(call includeProjBuildMakefile,$(componentpath)))))
# ELF depends on the library archive files for COMPONENT_LIBRARIES
# the rules to build these are emitted as part of GenerateComponentTarget below
# also depends on additional dependencies (linker scripts & binary libraries)
# stored in COMPONENT_LINKER_DEPS, built via bouffalo.mk files' COMPONENT_ADD_LINKER_DEPS variable
$(summary) LD $(patsubst $(PWD)/%,%,$@)
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ZIGBEE), 1)
$(CXX) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-Map=$(APP_MAP)
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_CPP_ENABLE), 1)
$(CXX) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-Map=$(APP_MAP)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -Wl,-Map=$(APP_MAP) $(shell find build_out/ -name bugkiller_*.o)
all_binaries: $(APP_BIN)
## TODO move to bl60x_elftool component
@echo "Generating BIN File to $@"
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $(@:.bin=.hex)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .rom.cpu1 -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $(@:.bin=.cpu0.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .rom.cpu1 $< $(@:.bin=.cpu1.bin)
cp $(@:.bin=.cpu0.bin) $(@:.bin=.acp.bin)
dd if=$(@:.bin=.cpu1.bin) of=$(@:.bin=.acp.bin) bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
cp $(@:.bin=.acp.bin) $@
ifeq ($(CONFIG_LINK_ROM),1)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .romdata -R .rom -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $@
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .rom $< $(@:.bin=.rom.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .romdata $< $(@:.bin=.romdata.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .romdata -R .rom -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $(@:.bin=.flash.bin)
ifeq ($(CONFIG_GEN_ROM),1)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .bleromro -R .bleromrw -R .rtosromro -R .rtosromrw -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $@
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .bleromro $< $(@:.bin=.bleromro.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .bleromrw $< $(@:.bin=.bleromrw.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .rtosromro $< $(@:.bin=.rtosromro.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -j .rtosromrw $< $(@:.bin=.rtosromrw.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .bleromro -R .bleromrw -R .rtosromro -R .rtosromrw -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $(@:.bin=.flash.bin)
$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary -R .bugkiller_command -R .bugkiller $< $@
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)
# Macro for the recursive sub-make for each component
# $(1) - component directory
# $(2) - component name only
# Is recursively expanded by the GenerateComponentTargets macro
define ComponentMake
+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2) -f $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/component_wrapper.mk COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=$(1)/bouffalo.mk COMPONENT_NAME=$(2)
# Generate top-level component-specific targets for each component
# $(1) - path to component dir
# $(2) - name of component
define GenerateComponentTargets
.PHONY: component-$(2)-build component-$(2)-clean
component-$(2)-build: $(call prereq_if_explicit, component-$(2)-clean) | $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)
$(call ComponentMake,$(1),$(2)) build
component-$(2)-clean: | $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2) $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)/component_project_vars.mk
$(call ComponentMake,$(1),$(2)) clean
@mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)
# tell make it can build any component's library by invoking the -build target
# (this target exists for all components even ones which don't build libraries, but it's
# only invoked for the targets whose libraries appear in COMPONENT_LIBRARIES and hence the
# APP_ELF dependencies.)
$(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)/lib$(2).a: component-$(2)-build
$(details) "Target '$$^' responsible for '$$@'" # echo which build target built this file
# add a target to generate the component_project_vars.mk files that
# are used to inject variables into project make pass (see matching
# component_project_vars.mk target in component_wrapper.mk).
# If any component_project_vars.mk file is out of date, the make
# process will call this target to rebuild it and then restart.
$(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)/component_project_vars.mk: $(1)/bouffalo.mk $(COMMON_MAKEFILES) $(SDKCONFIG_MAKEFILE) | $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2)
$(call ComponentMake,$(1),$(2)) component_project_vars.mk
define GenerateComponentNameTargets
$(1) (BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(1)/lib$(1).a
$(details) "Target '$$^' responsible for '$$@'"
$(foreach component,$(COMPONENT_PATHS),$(eval $(call GenerateComponentTargets,$(component),$(notdir $(component)))))
$(foreach component,$(COMPONENT_PATHS),$(eval $(call GenerateComponentNameTargets,$(notdir $(component)))))
app-clean: $(addprefix component-,$(addsuffix -clean,$(notdir $(COMPONENT_PATHS))))
$(summary) RM $(APP_ELF)
rm -f $(APP_ELF) $(APP_BIN) $(APP_MAP)
#flash: all
# cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) ./bflb_iot_tool --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=2000000 --port=/dev/ttyS13 --pt=$(PROJECT_PATH)/img_conf/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(PROJECT_PATH)/img_conf/bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M.dts --firmware=$(APP_BIN)
#burn code to bl602 board, now only support BL602 IOT-DVK-3s platform, if you want to support older bl602 board you need change parameter port to /dev/ttyUSB0
flash: all
cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=$(SERIAL_BAUDRATE) --port=$(SERIAL_PORT) --pt=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/partition/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/device_tree/04-bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M-20220625.dts --boot2=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/builtin_imgs/boot2_isp_bl602_v6.5.1/boot2_iap_release.bin --firmware=$(APP_BIN)
#cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) ./bflb_iot_tool --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=$(SERIAL_BAUDRATE) --port=$(SERIAL_PORT) --pt=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/partition/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/device_tree/bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M.dts --firmware=$(APP_BIN)
cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=$(SERIAL_BAUDRATE) --port=$(SERIAL_PORT) --pt=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/partition/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/device_tree/04-bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M-20220625.dts --boot2=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/builtin_imgs/boot2_isp_bl602_v6.5.1/boot2_iap_release.bin --firmware=$(APP_BIN)
cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --pt=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/partition/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/device_tree/04-bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M-20220625.dts --boot2=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/builtin_imgs/boot2_isp_bl602_v6.5.1/boot2_iap_release.bin --firmware=$(APP_BIN) --build
cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/blflash_tools && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=$(SERIAL_BAUDRATE) --port=$(SERIAL_PORT) --pt=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/partition/partition_cfg_4M.toml --dts=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/device_tree/04-bl_factory_params_IoTKitA_40M-20220625.dts --boot2=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/builtin_imgs/boot2_isp_bl602_v6.5.1/boot2_iap_release.bin --firmware=$(APP_BIN)
clean: app-clean
cd $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool && env SDK_APP_BIN=$(APP_BIN) SDK_BOARD=$(PROJECT_BOARD) SDK_NAME=$(PROJECT_NAME) SDK_MEDIA_BIN=$(APP_MEDIA_BIN) SDK_ROMFS_DIR=$(APP_ROMFS_DIR) SDK_DTS=$(PROJECT_DTS) SDK_XTAL=$(PROJECT_BOARD_XTAL) BL_FLASH_TOOL_INPUT_PATH_cfg2_bin_input=$(APP_BIN) $(FLASH_TOOL_TYPE) --chipname=BL602 --baudrate=$(SERIAL_BAUDRATE) --port=$(SERIAL_PORT) --firmware=$(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/eflash_loader/eflash_loader_40m.bin --erase
# PHONY target to list components in the build and their paths
$(info $(call dequote,$(SEPARATOR)))
$(info COMPONENT_DIRS (components searched for here))
$(foreach cd,$(COMPONENT_DIRS),$(info $(cd)))
$(info $(call dequote,$(SEPARATOR)))
$(info COMPONENTS (list of component names))
$(info $(COMPONENTS))
$(info $(call dequote,$(SEPARATOR)))
$(info EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS (list of excluded names))
$(info $(if $(EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS),$(EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS),(none provided)))
$(info $(call dequote,$(SEPARATOR)))
$(info COMPONENT_PATHS (paths to all components)
$(foreach cp,$(COMPONENT_PATHS),$(info $(cp)))
最终在ota目录生成[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.xz需要的OTA文件
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/ota 目录下生成 6 种 OTA 固件,分别是:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin:在编译生成的 bin 的头部追加 4K bytes 的 Boot2 Head
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.hash:在 FW_OTA.bin 尾部追加对其计算的 32 bytes的 Hash 值(sha256)
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.ota:在 FW_OTA.bin 的头部追加 512 bytes 的 OTA Head
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.xz:对 FW_OTA.bin 进行 xz 压缩
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash:在 FW_OTA.bin.xz 尾部追加对其计算的 32 bytes 的 Hash 值(sha256)
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]FW_OTA.bin.xz.ota:在 FW_OTA.bin.xz 头部追加 512 bytes 的 OTA Hea
搭建 HTTP 服务器
OTA 升级时,固件会从 HTTP 服务器下载 OTA 固件进行升级,因此本机需要先搭建好 HTTP 服务器供模组下载固件。
搭建 HTTP 服务器的过程非常简单,只需要安装好 Python 3,然后在 tools/flash_tool/chips/bl602/ota 下执行以下命令即可:
python3 -m http.server 9090
烧录好固件:make flash
ota host=
[HTTPC] hdr_len is 204, content_len is 384976
[MTD] >>>>>> Hanlde info Dump >>>>>>
name FW
id 0
offset 0x000e8000(950272)
size 0x00088000(544Kbytes)
xip_addr 0x00000000
[MTD] <<<<<< Hanlde info End <<<<<<
otaTotalLength : 384976, bin_size : 557056
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
[OTA] [HEADER] ota header is BL60X_OTA_Ver1.0
[OTA] [HEADER] file type is XZ
[OTA] [HEADER] file length (exclude ota header) is 384464
[OTA] [HEADER] ver_hardware is BFL_Module_v1.1
[OTA] [HEADER] ver_software is EVENT_V1.1.1
[OTA] [HEADER] sha256 is C306AFD98DDBBC7C10C849E30791AA323BBF9E4501840BF3535233F73B3A30DC
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 864
Write 864[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 1552[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 2240[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 2928[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 3616[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 4304[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 4992[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 5680[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 6368[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 7056[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 7744[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 8432[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 9120[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 9808[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 10496[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 11184[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 11872[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 12560[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 13248[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 13936[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 14624[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 15312[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 16000[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 16688[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 17376[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 18064[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 18752[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 19440[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 20128[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 20816[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 21504[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 22192[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 22880[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 23568[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 24256[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 24944[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 25632[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 26320[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 27008[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 27696[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 28384[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 29072[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 29760[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 30448[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 31136[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 31824[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 32512[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 33200[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 33888[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 34576[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 35264[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 35952[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 36640[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 37328[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 38016[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 38704[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 39392[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 40080[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 40768[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 41456[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 42144[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 42832[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 43520[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 44208[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 44896[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 45584[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 46272[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 46960[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 47648[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 48336[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 49024[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 49712[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 50400[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 51088[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 51776[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 52464[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 53152[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 53840[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 54528[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 55216[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 55904[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 56592[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 57280[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 57968[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 58656[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 59344[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 60032[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 60720[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 61408[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 62096[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 62784[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 63472[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 64160[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 64848[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 65536[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 66224[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 66912[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 67600[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 68288[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 68976[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 69664[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 70352[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 71040[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 71728[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 72416[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 73104[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 73792[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 74480[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 75168[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 75856[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 76544[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 77232[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 77920[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 78608[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 79296[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 79984[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 80672[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 81360[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 82048[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 82736[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 83424[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 84112[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 84800[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 85488[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 86176[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 86864[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 87552[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 88240[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 88928[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 89616[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 90304[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 90992[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 91680[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 92368[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 93056[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 93744[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 94432[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 95120[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 95808[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 96496[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 97184[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 97872[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 98560[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 99248[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 99936[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 100624[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 101312[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 102000[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 102688[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 103376[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 104064[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 104752[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 105440[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 106128[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 106816[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 107504[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 108192[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 108880[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 109568[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 110256[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 110944[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 111632[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 112320[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 113008[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 113696[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 114384[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 115072[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 115760[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 116448[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 117136[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 117824[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 118512[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 119200[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 119888[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 120576[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 121264[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 121952[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 122640[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 123328[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 124016[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 124704[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 125392[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 126080[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 126768[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 127456[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 128144[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 128832[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 129520[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 130208[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 130896[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 131584[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 132272[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 132960[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 133648[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 134336[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 135024[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 135712[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 136400[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 137088[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 137776[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 138464[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 139152[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 139840[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 140528[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 141216[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 141904[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 142592[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 143968[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 144656[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 145344[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 146032[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 146720[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 147408[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 148096[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 148784[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 149472[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 150160[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 150848[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 151536[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 152224[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 152912[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 153600[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 154288[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 154976[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 156352[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 157040[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 157728[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 158416[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 159104[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 159792[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 160480[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 161168[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 161856[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 162544[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 163232[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 163920[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 164608[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 165296[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 165984[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 166672[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 167360[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 168048[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 168736[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 169424[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 170112[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 170800[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 171488[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 172176[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 172864[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 173552[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 174240[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 174928[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 175616[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 176304[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 176992[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 177680[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 178368[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 179056[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 179744[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 181120[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 181808[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 182496[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 183184[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 183872[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 184560[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 185248[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 185936[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 186624[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 187312[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 188000[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 188688[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 189376[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 190064[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 190752[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 191440[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 192128[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 192816[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 193504[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 194192[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 194880[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 195568[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 196256[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 196944[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 197632[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 198320[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 199008[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 199696[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 200384[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 201072[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 201760[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 202448[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 203136[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 203824[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 204512[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 205200[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 205888[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 206576[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 207264[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 207952[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 208640[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 209328[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 210704[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 211392[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 212080[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 212768[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 213456[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 214144[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 215520[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 216208[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 216896[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 217584[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 218272[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 218960[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 220336[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 221024[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 221712[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 222400[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 223088[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 223776[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 224464[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 225152[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 225840[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 226528[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 227216[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 227904[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 228592[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 229280[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 229968[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 231344[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 232032[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 232720[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 233408[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 234096[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 235472[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 236160[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 236848[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 237536[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 238224[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 238912[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 239600[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 240288[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 240976[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 241664[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 242352[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 243040[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 243728[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 244416[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 245104[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 245792[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 246480[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 247168[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 247856[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 248544[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 249232[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 249920[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 250608[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 251296[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 251984[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 252672[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 253360[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 254048[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 254736[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 255424[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 256112[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 256800[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 257488[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 258176[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 258864[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 259552[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 260240[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 260928[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 261616[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 262304[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 262992[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 263680[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 264368[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 265056[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 265744[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 266432[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 267120[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 267808[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 268496[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 269184[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 269872[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 270560[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 271248[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 271936[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 272624[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 273312[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 274000[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 274688[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 275376[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 276064[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 276752[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 277440[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 278128[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 278816[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 279504[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 280192[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 280880[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 281568[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 282256[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 282944[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 283632[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 284320[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 285008[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 286384[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 287072[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 287760[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 288448[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 289824[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 290512[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 291200[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 291888[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 292576[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 293264[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 293952[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 294640[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 295328[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 296016[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 296704[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 297392[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 298080[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 298768[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 299456[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 300144[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 300832[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 301520[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 302208[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 302896[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 303584[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 304272[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 304960[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 305648[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 306336[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 307024[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 307712[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 308400[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 309088[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 309776[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 310464[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 311152[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 311840[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 312528[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 313216[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 313904[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 314592[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 315280[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 315968[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 316656[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 317344[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 318032[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 318720[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 319408[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 320096[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 320784[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 321472[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 322160[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 322848[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 323536[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 324224[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 325600[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 326288[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 326976[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 327664[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 328352[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 329040[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 330416[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 331104[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 331792[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 332480[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 333168[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 333856[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 334544[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 335232[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 335920[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 336608[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 337984[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 338672[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 339360[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 340048[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 340736[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 341424[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 342112[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 342800[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 343488[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 344176[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 344864[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 345552[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 346240[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 346928[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 347616[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 348304[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 348992[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 349680[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 350368[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 351056[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 351744[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 352432[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 353120[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 353808[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 1376 Bytes
otaoffset : 1376
Write 355184[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 355872[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 356560[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 357248[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 357936[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 358624[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 359312[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 360000[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 360688[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 361376[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 362064[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 362752[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 363440[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 364128[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 364816[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 365504[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 366192[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 366880[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 367568[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 368256[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 368944[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 369632[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 370320[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 371008[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 371696[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 372384[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 373072[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 373760[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 374448[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 375136[384976]
proc_hellow_entry: RISC-V rv32imafc
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 375824[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 376512[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 377200[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 377888[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 378576[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 379264[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 379952[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 380640[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 381328[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 382016[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 382704[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 383392[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 688 Bytes
otaoffset : 688
Write 384080[384976]
[HTTPC] Received 384 Bytes
otaoffset : 384
Write 384464[384976]
Calculated SHA256 Checksum:C306AFD98DDBBC7C10C849E30791AA323BBF9E4501840BF3535233F73B3A30DC
Header SET SHA256 Checksum:C306AFD98DDBBC7C10C849E30791AA323BBF9E4501840BF3535233F73B3A30DC
[OTA] [TCP] prepare OTA partition info
[OTA] [TCP] Update PARTIION, partition len is 384464
参考 博流官方资料,官司方有点错误
OTA 升级机制可以让设备在固件正常运行时根据接收数据(如通过 Wi-Fi )进行自我更新。
目前 OTA 采用A/B区pingpong设计,OTA文件有两种类型,压缩和非压缩,其中压缩算法采用xz压缩算法,压缩率约为50%-60%。OTA之前需要check一下分区表的 FW 分区的size0和size1是否满足OTA需求。
不是 A/B区pingpong设计。
#partition table is 4K in size
address0 = 0xE000
address1 = 0xF000
type = 0
name = "FW"
device = 0
address0 = 0x10000
size0 = 0x100000
address1 = 0x110000
size1 = 0x100000
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 0
name = "spiffs"
device = 0
address0 = 0x210000
size0 = 0x28000
address1 = 0x238000
size1 = 0x8000
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 2
name = "mfg"
device = 0
address0 = 0x240000
size0 = 0x32000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 3
name = "media"
device = 0
address0 = 0x272000
size0 = 0x1000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 4
name = " SM"
device = 0
address0 = 0x273000
size0 = 0x33000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 5
name = "KEY"
device = 0
address0 = 0x2A6000
size0 = 0x2000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 6
name = "DATA"
device = 0
address0 = 0x2A8000
size0 = 0x5000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 7
name = "factory"
device = 0
address0 = 0x2AD000
size0 = 0x7000
address1 = 0
size1 = 0
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
#if user want to put RF calibration data on flash, uncomment following pt entry
#type = 8
#name = "rf_para"
#device = 0
#address0 = 0x1FF000
#size0 = 0x1000
#address1 = 0
#size1 = 0
## compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
#len = 0
type = 0
name = "spiffs"
device = 0
address0 = 0x210000 ##给spiffs文件系统用,开始地址
size0 = 0x28000 ##给spiffs文件系统用,大小
address1 = 0x238000 ##给easyflash文件系统用,开始地址
size1 = 0x8000 ##给easyflash文件系统用,大小
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
type = 0
name = "FW"
device = 0
address0 = 0x10000
size0 = 0x100000
address1 = 0x110000
size1 = 0x100000
# compressed image must set len,normal image can left it to 0
len = 0
是下载到address1 = 0x110000地址容间里,重起后,再解压复制到address0 = 0x10000。