
查看1559 | 回复10 | 2023-11-22 10:23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ai-M61-32S开发板连接罗技的C920摄像头,用示例的AiPi-Cam修改set(CONFIG_CHERRYUSB 1)烧录后,在串口打印中没见到USB相关的打印,后来改用园长在 ... 42017&pid=59769帖子中发的固件,见到USB相关的打印了,但是WEB页中,依旧看不到图像,是不支持这款型号的摄像头吗?看到有USB的ERROR的日志。

  1. [I/USB] New device found,idVendor:046d,idProduct:082d,bcdDevice:0011
  2. [E/USB] Interface altsetting num overflow
  3. [E/USB] Parse config fail
  4. [E/USB] Port 1 enumerate fail


使用道具 举报

校服 | 2023-11-22 10:25:18 | 显示全部楼层

  1.   ____               __  __      _       _       _     
  2. |  _ \             / _|/ _|    | |     | |     | |   
  3. | |_) | ___  _   _| |_| |_ __ _| | ___ | | __ _| |__  
  4. |  _ < / _ \| | | |  _|  _/ _` | |/ _ \| |/ _` | '_ \
  5. | |_) | (_) | |_| | | | || (_| | | (_) | | (_| | |_) |
  6. |____/ \___/ \__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_|\___/|_|\__,_|_.__/

  7. Build:19:53:14,Oct 19 2023
  8. Copyright (c) 2022 Bouffalolab team
  9. =========== flash cfg ==============
  10. jedec id   0x5E4017
  11. mid            0x5E
  12. iomode         0x04
  13. clk delay      0x01
  14. clk invert     0x03
  15. read reg cmd0  0x05
  16. read reg cmd1  0x35
  17. write reg cmd0 0x01
  18. write reg cmd1 0x31
  19. qe write len   0x01
  20. cread support  0x01
  21. cread code     0x20
  22. burst wrap cmd 0x77
  23. =====================================
  24. dynamic memory init success, ocram heap size = 128 Kbyte, psram heap size = 1621 Kbyte
  25. sig1:ffffffff
  26. sig2:0000f32f
  27. cgen1:9f7ffffd
  28. bouffalolab />
  29. Shell ready
  30. lwip init done
  31. sys_mbox_new done!
  32. sys_mutex_new done!
  33. tcpip thread init done!
  34. [I][MAIN] Starting wifi ...
  35. [I][rfparam] xtal value 40000000
  36. [I][rfparam] pwr_mode is bf
  37. Empty slot:0
  38. No written slot found
  39. [I][rfparam] no pwr_offset in efuse
  40. [I][rfparam] tlv wlan pwr_offset[14]: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  41. [I][rfparam] wlan pwr_offset[14]: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  42. Empty slot:0
  43. No written slot found
  44. [I][rfparam] no lp pwr_offset in efuse
  45. [I][rfparam] tlv wlan lp pwr_offset[14]: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  46. [I][rfparam] wlan lp pwr_offset[14]: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  47. Empty slot:0
  48. No written slot found

  49. [10:00:02.589]收←◆[I][rfparam] no bz pwr_offset in efuse
  50. [I][rfparam] tlv bz pwr_offset[5]: 0,0,0,0,0,
  51. [I][rfparam] bz pwr_offset[5]: 0,0,0,0,0,
  52. [I][rfparam] pwr_11b[4]: 20,20,20,20,
  53. [I][rfparam] pwr_11g[8]: 18,18,18,18,18,18,16,16,
  54. [I][rfparam] pwr_11n_ht20[8]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,15,
  55. [I][rfparam] pwr_11n_ht40[8]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,14,
  56. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ac_vht20[10]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,15,15,14,
  57. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ac_vht40[10]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,14,14,13,
  58. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ac_vht80[10]: 18,18,18,18,18,15,14,13,13,12,
  59. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ax_he20[12]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,15,15,14,13,13,
  60. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ax_he40[12]: 18,18,18,18,18,16,15,14,14,13,12,12,
  61. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ax_he80[12]: 18,18,18,18,18,15,14,13,13,12,11,11,
  62. [I][rfparam] pwr_11ax_he160[12]: 18,18,18,18,18,15,14,13,12,11,10,10,
  63. [I][rfparam] capcode mode is MF
  64. Empty slot:0
  65. No written slot found
  66. [I][rfparam] no capcode in efuse
  67. [I][rfparam] tlv capcode_in 36,capcode_out 36
  68. [I][rfparam] capcode_in 36,capcode_out 36
  69. [I][rfparam] tcal.en_tcal = 0
  70. [I][rfparam] tcal.linear_or_follow = 1
  71. [I][rfparam] tcal.Tchannels[5]: 2412,2427,2442,2457,2472,
  72. [I][rfparam] tcal.Tchannel_os[5]: 180,168,163,160,157,
  73. [I][rfparam] tcal.Tchannel_os_low[5]: 199,186,170,165,160,
  74. [I][rfparam] tcal.Troom_os = -1
  75. [I][rfparam] pwr_ble = 13
  76. [I][rfparam] pwr_bt[3]: 10,8,8,
  77. [I][rfparam] pwr_zigbee = 13
  78. [I][rfparam] country_code = 86

  79. [10:00:02.690]收←◆[I][MAIN] PHY RF init success!
  80. Starting usb host task...
  81. frame_ctrl_init_all
  82. yuyv_frame_ctrl_init
  83. jpeg_frame_ctrl_init
  84. auadc_in_frame_ctrl_init
  85. auadc_out_frame_ctrl_init
  86. Starting UVC JPEG mode
  87. MuxSem_Handle creat success!
  88. get sta mac: b4:0e:cf:2a:fc:4f

  89. [10:00:02.768]收←◆get ap mac: b4:0e:cf:2a:fc:4f
  90. [I][MAIN] [APP] [EVT] wifi_event_handler, CODE_WIFI_ON_INIT_DONE
  91. wifi_mgmr_set_country_code:code = CN
  92. [I][MAIN] [APP] [EVT] wifi_event_handler, CODE_WIFI_ON_MGMR_DONE
  93. Conf Max Sta to 2
  94. Exec mode 2
  95. Exec frequency 2422
  96. Exec vht 0
  97. Exec he 1
  98. Exec ht40 0
  99. Exec max_oper_chwidth 0
  100. Exec vht_center_freq1 2422
  101. Exec vht_center_freq2 0
  102. Exec beacon_int 100
  103. Exec dtim_period 1
  104. Exec proto RSN
  106. [I/USB] EHCI HCSPARAMS:000001
  107. [I/USB] EHCI HCCPARAMS:0006
  108. Exec key_mgmt WPA-PSK
  109. Exec pairwise CCMP
  110. Exec group CCMP
  111. Exec ieee80211w 0
  112. Exec ssid "ai_pi_cam"
  113. Exec psk "12345678";

  114. [10:00:03.212]收←◆WPA network 0: created and confi
  115. [10:00:03.249]收←◆gured[WPA]SEND DEAUTH: DA: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF SA: B4:0E:CF:2A:FC:4F BSSID: B4:0E:CF:2A:FC:4F reason_code: 2
  116. [I][MAIN] [APP] [EVT] wifi_event_handler, CODE_WIFI_ON_AP_STARTED
  117. -------------------------->>> Starting MJPEG tasks
  119. 歔WPA] CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to B4:0E:CF:2A:FC:4F completed [id=0 id_str=]
  120. [DHCP] ip_start: []
  121. [DHCP] ip_start: []
  122. accept start
  123. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  124. FPS uvc:  0
  125. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  126. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  127. [10:00:03.289]收←◆[RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  128. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  129. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  130. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  131. [10:00:03.320]收←◆[RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  132. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  133. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  134. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  135. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  136. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  137. [10:00:03.383]收←◆[RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  138. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  139. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  140. [10:00:03.411]收←◆[RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  141. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  142. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  143. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  144. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  145. [RTC info]:bl_cam_frame_init
  146. [RTC info]:jpeg frame wifi_rtc out queue ID: 2
  147. [RTC info]:@737 CTL_TASK: waiting for start/stop

  148. [10:00:03.566]收←◆[I/USB] New high-speed device on Hub 1, Port 1 connected
  150. [10:00:03.597]收←◆[0m[I/USB] New device found,idVendor:046d,idProduct:082d,bcdDevice:0011
  151. [E/USB] Interface altsetting num overflow
  152. [E/USB] Parse config fail
  153. [E/USB] Port 1 enumerate fail
  155. [10:00:04.113]收←◆do not find /dev/video0

  156. [10:00:04.225]收←◆FPS uvc:  0

  157. [10:00:04.409]收←◆[I][MAIN] [APP] [EVT] [AP] [
  158. [10:00:04.463]收←◆ADD] 7133275027444596736
  159. [FU] rcv eapol 888e
  160. [FU] rcv eapol 888e
  161. 歔WPA] AP-STA-CONNECTED 58:FB:84:2F:C3:99
  162. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  163. [10:00:05.113]收←◆do not find /dev/video0

  164. [10:00:05.225]收←◆FPS uvc:  0

  165. [10:00:05.444]收←◆[RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop
  166. [10:00:05.519]收←◆timeout!

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爱笑 | 2023-11-22 10:53:56 | 显示全部楼层
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Ai-Thinker小泽 | 2023-11-22 10:58:07 | 显示全部楼层
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校服 | 2023-11-22 11:05:21 | 显示全部楼层
Ai-Thinker小泽 发表于 2023-11-22 10:58

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使用道具 举报

WT_0213 | 2023-11-22 11:07:43 | 显示全部楼层
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Ai-Thinker小泽 | 2023-11-22 11:09:40 | 显示全部楼层
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Ai-Thinker小泽 | 2023-11-22 11:10:56 | 显示全部楼层
Ai-Thinker小泽 发表于 2023-11-22 11:09

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使用道具 举报

校服 | 2023-11-22 11:14:48 | 显示全部楼层
Ai-Thinker小泽 发表于 2023-11-22 11:09


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使用道具 举报

校服 | 2023-11-23 19:21:30 | 显示全部楼层

  1. [I/USB] New full-speed device on Hub 1, Port 1 connected
  2. [I/USB] New device found,idVendor:1902,idProduct:8301,bcdDevice:0100
  3. [I/USB] The device has 2 interfaces
  4. [I/USB] Enumeration success, start loading class driver
  5. [I/USB] Loading video_ctrl class driver
  6. [I/USB] Close video device
  7. [I/USB] ============= Video device information ===================
  8. [I/USB] bcdVDC:0100
  9. [I/USB] Num of altsettings:3
  10. [I/USB] Ingore altsetting 0
  11. [I/USB] Altsetting:1, Ep=83 Attr=05 Mps=192 Interval=01 Mult=00
  12. [I/USB] Altsetting:2, Ep=83 Attr=05 Mps=944 Interval=01 Mult=00
  13. [I/USB] bNumFormats:1
  14. [I/USB]   FormatIndex:1
  15. [I/USB]   FormatType:mjpeg
  16. [I/USB]   bNumFrames:1
  17. [I/USB]   Resolution:
  18. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:1
  19. [I/USB]       wWidth: 640, wHeight: 480
  20. [I/USB] ============= Video device information ===================
  21. [I/USB] Register Video Class:/dev/video0
  22. [I/USB] Loading video_streaming class driver
  23. [I/USB] Ep=83 Attr=05 Mps=192 Interval=01 Mult=00
  24. [I/USB] Open video and select formatidx:1, frameidx:1, altsetting:1
  25. uvc mps :192
  26. FPS uvc:  0
  27. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  28. FPS uvc:  0
  29. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  30. FPS uvc:  0
  31. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!

  1. [I/USB] New high-speed device on Hub 1, Port 1 connected
  2. [I/USB] New device found,idVendor:05e3,idProduct:0515,bcdDevice:0524
  3. [I/USB] The device has 2 interfaces
  4. [I/USB] Enumeration success, start loading class driver
  5. [I/USB] Loading video_ctrl class driver
  6. [I/USB] Close video device
  7. [I/USB] ============= Video device information ===================
  8. [I/USB] bcdVDC:0100
  9. [I/USB] Num of altsettings:2
  10. [I/USB] Ingore altsetting 0
  11. [I/USB] Altsetting:1, Ep=81 Attr=05 Mps=1024 Interval=01 Mult=02
  12. [I/USB] bNumFormats:1
  13. [I/USB]   FormatIndex:1
  14. [I/USB]   FormatType:uncompressed
  15. [I/USB]   bNumFrames:6
  16. [I/USB]   Resolution:
  17. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:1
  18. [I/USB]       wWidth: 640, wHeight: 480
  19. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:2
  20. [I/USB]       wWidth: 160, wHeight: 120
  21. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:3
  22. [I/USB]       wWidth: 176, wHeight: 144
  23. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:4
  24. [I/USB]       wWidth: 320, wHeight: 240
  25. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:5
  26. [I/USB]       wWidth: 352, wHeight: 288
  27. [I/USB]       FrameIndex:6
  28. [I/USB]       wWidth: 640, wHeight: 480
  29. [I/USB] ============= Video device information ===================
  30. [I/USB] Register Video Class:/dev/video0
  31. [I/USB] Loading video_streaming class driver
  32. FPS uvc:  0
  33. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  34. fail to open video, ret:-19
  35. FPS uvc:  0
  36. [RTC info]:[RTC]mjpeg frame pop timeout!
  37. fail to open video, ret:-19
  38. FPS uvc:  0

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